Caring for Your Jewelry

There’s something so exciting about the sparkle of new jewelry. You can help your fine jewelry purchase last longer by following some practical care guidelines.
Treat your jewelry like it's precious (because it is!) by removing it before engaging in busy activities like housekeeping, dishes, exercising, swimming, bathing, yard work, and athletic activities. Use soaps, hair creams and lotions on your hands and hair *before* putting on your jewelry and avoid having your pieces come in contact with oils and harsh chemicals.
Metal Care
Gold, platinum and silver can sustain scratches through daily wear. This is normal, and can be removed by a professional polish at your trusted local jeweler. If you notice any tarnish on your jewelry, gently rub the piece with a soft polishing cloth until it is removed. For dainty pieces, please keep in mind that these metals can still bend out of shape, so wear them with care and remove your piece when appropriate.
Gemstone Care
Like precious metals, gemstones can also scratch and sometimes break if knocked or dropped in *just* the wrong way. Even diamonds can chip on an unfortunate occasion, so wear your piece mindfully and bring your jewelry to a professional local jeweler every 6-12 months to have the prongs and settings checked for security, as some metal can shift with wear. To safely clean your gemstone jewelry, soak the piece in warm water and brush gently with a soft bristle toothbrush.